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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 15:35



热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 17:04


1. I have really met a dilemma that got me very hard to make a decision. But eventually, I fixed it out. It was happened at the end of my college life. I decided to take a post-graate entrance qualification exam and did register it. I had really dreamed to be a graate and own a master degree to make myself stronger in knowledge and make my parents proud of me. Well, right at that time, I accompanied with my roommate to a job fair. By accident a job from Shanghai attracted me a lot. I mainly appreciated the chance for me to be a specialized translator in automotive field and i really love the city --- Shanghai. I didn't wanna lose the opportunity; then I convinced the personnel manager to reservse the post for me till the next afternoon. When I come back to the dorm, I thought it over and over. I didn't turn to my parents and anyone else, since I knew it was my personal future and i should hold it by my self. After balancing the two options --- to take the exam or get the job, I chose the latter. It is proved till now that the option i chosed in the delemma is absolutely right.

2. At the very beginning of my first job being a interpretor in an automotive plant, a customer from the u.s. visited our workshop. I was very nervous, coz i even didn't know any vocabulary in muffler (our proct)and machines and other instrial things. You know, I could understand nothing when the foreign customer asked me. Fortunately, she had her own translator. I felt embarrased even sort of ashamed. From that evening, I began to check up the specific english dictionary for machinery and tried my best to memorize them. A week later, when another group of visitors came to our plant, I could handle it very freely and confidently. I believe that nothing is impossible to the man who will try.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 18:22

意思你懂拨?1是要你说一个两难事情你怎么做的决定,以及为什么做这个决定。 2是要你举个你遇到困难的例子以及你怎么应对的。建议1就是举个工作中老板的要求和自己的想法相矛盾时的做法,2就是举个工作中克服困难的事罗 具体的不要我帮你写了把 自己努力哈! 加油加油加油!~~~~ ^^

热心网友 时间:2022-05-14 19:57

I have really met a dilemma that got me very hard to make a decision. But eventually, I fixed it out. It was happened at the end of my college life. I decided to take a post-graate entrance qualification exam and did register it. I had really dreamed to be a graate and own a master degree to make myself stronger in knowledge and make my parents proud of me. Well, right at that time, I accompanied with my roommate to a job fair. By accident a job from Shanghai attracted me a lot. I mainly appreciated the chance for me to be a specialized translator in automotive field and i really love the city --- Shanghai. I didn't wanna lose the opportunity; then I convinced the personnel manager to reservse the post for me till the next afternoon. When I come back to the dorm, I thought it over and over. I didn't turn to my parents and anyone else, since I knew it was my personal future and i should hold it by my self. After balancing the two options --- to take the exam or get the job, I chose the latter. It is proved till now that the option i chosed in the delemma is absolutely right.
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