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英语作文 I Like Comic Strips

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 03:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-14 00:41

I like to read comic books, when I had just got home, will jump into a pile of comic books sitting in bed, opened a comic books, read with relish. Our class in the case of my comic up, and many students told me to take comic books, after years of accumulation of the comic books I had stacked the Zuozuo mountains.
I read comics for a long time, and graally Health issued an ideal: when cartoonists! When the cartoonist must have painting skills, there must be imagination 呀. I think: imagination I was there, but the lack of drawing skills 呀. How to do? Hey, If you go to learn to draw comics, drawing techniques, there is not it? I would like to make my father go to comic classes. That my father had agreed to!

I would happily go to youth activity center learning cartoons. Taught me that the Qin cartoon teacher, he was a handsome young male teachers. I still remember the scene on the first section comic class. Teacher said: "Today we draw a pig, we first draw a circle, and then painting ... ..." Now, I have painted 30 pieces of comic books, and I passed two and half years of study, has been on to the advanced class Pei , a cartoonist levels were much self-improvement of. I would like to thank our class for a big brother and a big sister, They taught me how to use two or three pigments, transferred out of colorful colors. They also use comic books to me. I would also like to thank my Qin teacher, to thank him for teaching me patience. Last week, Qin teacher suggested that I re-Pui excellent on a semester classes, he said: "In this way, you can increase the level of the faster." Pei excellent class finished, I will be a sprint to the creative class. Wawa Wa, I am glad Yes, I also very confident. Now, I read comics and more comics to learn the painting to improve my painting techniques.

I, is such a comic fan, full of comic fans, pure comic fans. Comics became my extra-curricular important parts of life, I love comic books, cartoons accompany me I want to spend a happy childhood.


  我兴高采烈地去青少年活动中心学画漫画。教我漫画的是秦老师,他是一位年轻帅气的男教师。我还记得我上第一节漫画课的情景。老师说:“今天我们画一只小猪,大家先画一个圆圈,然后画……”现在,我已经画了三 十多幅漫画了,我通过两年半的学习,已经上到了培优班,画漫画的水平大有长进了。我要感谢我们班上的一位大哥哥和一位大姐姐,他俩教我如何用两三种颜料,调出五彩缤纷的色彩。他们还借漫画书给我看。我还要感谢我的秦老师,感谢他对我耐心的教导。上个星期,秦老师建议我再上一个学期的培优班,他说:“这样,你的水平就可提高得更快了。”培优班上完了,我就要向创作班冲刺了。哇哇哇,我好高兴呀,我也很有信心。现在,我看漫画,更多的是学习漫画中的画法,提高我的画技。


热心网友 时间:2023-11-14 00:41

In my young, every time when watching TV cartoons, there was A familiar song: "doraemon, doraemon, happy live each day..." , I everybody have guessed by now, this song is doraemon protagonist cartoon theme song, whenever I hear the melodious melodies, always let A person excitement and excitement.
This be familiar with, appearance interesting doraemon long ago has come to China, fashionable myriad children, even I also enjoy it! This doraemon is A 21st century newest proct, although he is A doraemon, but he was afraid of mice, and mankind have common features: has A pair of like sesame mung bean as the size of the eyes, A big mouth, A pair of fat, soft ?
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