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Rob Thomas的《Natural》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 22:06



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 18:54

歌手:Rob Thomas

Rob Thomas - Natural
this is not the life i promised you before
i can feel them running chains around our door
and i'm coming to the end of what i'm for
but i will pull myself together, i am sure
i will run for you until i start to drop
i will breathe your breath until you tell me stop
we will see the ending of another sunny day
and we'll wait at home until the next one drops
are we all just sitting here waiting on the end?
like it's only natural
it's only natural
are we filling spaces till we find ourselves again?
ike it's only natural
its only natural
this is not the way we wanted this to be
and i can feel your doubt inside of me
we're standing on the edge of everything we've ever seen
and everything well never get to be
and when you think its over
it starts coming 'round again
it's coming 'round again
and when you think it's figured out
it starts coming 'round again
it's coming 'round again
it's coming 'round again
it's only natural

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