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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 20:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:41


I really should put linguistic analysis on hold while I’m in church, but a young woman several rows in front of me was wearing a jacket with the words “SCHOOL RUINED MY UFE” on the back. I have no idea why any clothing company would make such a thing, or why anyone with any knowledge of English would buy and wear it. My theory is that someone in a clothing company in a non-English speaking country saw “SCHOOL RUINED MY LIFE” and wrote it down, but wrote the L and I too close together. (end of linguistic analysis at church, beginning of reflection and research at home.) Or maybe it’s a play on “youth”.

Except that there is a song called “School ruined my ufe” (strong language: one f-word right at the end) by a singer named The Pyrate Queen (Rebecca Isbill Davis) of Greenville, South Carolina. But she semi-rhymes “ufe” and “youth”, when she could have used “truth”, “uncouth” or “forsooth”. (implied strong language after the break)

But which came first, the chicken or the egg? Did a clothing company make the jacket then a songwriter/singer write a song after seeing it, or vice versa? No-one on the internet seems to know. There’s a reddit thread, filed under “Korea”, which comes to no firm conclusion about the jacket and doesn’t mention the song. One redditor links to a photo s/he took at a South Korean university festival in 2014. The Pyrate Queen released her song in 2017, which seems to point to the clothing company coming first. Unless I contact The Pyrate Queen, I will never know.

It is easy enough to write L and I too close together. On the internet is a photo of a birthday cake for someone named CLINT.

    在我前面几排的一位年轻女士穿着一件夹克,上面写着“SCHOOL RUINED MY UFE”(学校毁了我的UFE)。我不知道为什么服装公司会做这样的东西,也不知道为什么懂一点英语的人会买并穿它。我的理论是,某个在非英语国家的服装公司工作的人看到学校毁了我的生活,就把它写了下来,但L和I写得太接近了,也可能是对青春的一种戏弄.

      而且有一首歌叫《学校毁了我的ufe》(强烈的语言:在最后一个f字),这首歌是由南卡罗莱纳格林维尔的Pyrate Queen(丽贝卡·伊斯比尔·戴维斯)演唱的。但当她可以用“真理”、“粗鲁”或“正直”来表达时,她却用“ufe”和“youth”来半押韵。但是先有鸡还是先有蛋呢?是服装公司做了这件夹克,然后作曲家/歌手看了之后写了一首歌,还是反之呢?网上似乎没人知道。reddit网站上有一个以韩国为标题的帖子,没有给出关于这件夹克的确切结论,也没有提到这首歌。一名reddit用户链接了一张他/她2014年在韩国大学节日上拍摄的照片。这位海盗女王在2017年发布了她的歌曲,这首歌似乎表明服装公司是第一位的。除非我联系海盗女王,否则我永远不会知道。L和I写得太近很容易。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:41

School ruined my uff.
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