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甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles)的英文简介

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 20:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 23:54

The Beatles is a fairly legendary band.This band formed in 1959, Liverpool is home household evening, the band formed by four.created a new musical style, inspired a lot of new ideas and concepts in the form of pop music with a rich connotation.To 1969, The Beatles announced the dissolution e to internal differences,issued dozens of literary and artistic works were created and more than 20 classic recordings of these works can be divided into four periods : representativeOne early to album, "Meet The Beatles> as representatives;Second, in 1965 the "Rubber Soul> represent a serious experiment;Phase three is representative of the mystery and magic "Sgt Peeper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band>;Fourth is "The White Album> (1968) reveals hundreds of maturity and later lit a" white album "and" The Beatles Anthology>.'60s Pop music with the community, everything has just begun.The Beatles the emergence of new music to young people everywhere are full of vitality,Their music rapid changes, rapid growth in a few short years to conquer the whole world.It praised them for "Le God" for them crazy,Some people have not been where modern pop music of The Beatles invasion? If the United States to shake off the young men used rock helpless someone.a sense of loss and emptiness.Britain's young rock is used to break through the Victorian era has left many old and traditional moral values.The most common is high enough to enjoy the material which does not want to flood the entrepreneurial spirit of its own destruction.Rock rebels in the fierce storm in the image of the traditional rational to express their wish to build a more negative and the future of freedom and humanity.The emergence of the Beatles rock in the name of the first to become the most symbolic significance in the spirit of this era idols,The music has been a huge blow, The Beatles that a large number of profound themes,a wide range of rock music can embody the spirit of the true essence of rock and roll history in the world.JOHN LENNON and their souls were considered to be the real rock "Godfather."The Beatle kind of "Tomorrow far apart in their minds. Wish you happiness, "the carefree moodacross the arena was full of stereotypes in the United Kingdom, sad, rigid and old-fashioned atmosphere.Britain thus almost fanatical when the younger generation.The Beatles pop music of Jueqi implies that the United States declared the end of the British rule status.

The Beatles的确是一支颇具传奇性的乐队,这支成立于1959年的利物浦乐队可谓家喻户晚,乐队由四人组成,开创了许多新的音乐风格,启发了不少新的思维和概念,丰富了流行音乐的形式与内涵。到1969年,The Beatles因为内部产生分歧而宣布解散,共创作发行了数十首佳作和20多张经典唱片,这些作品大致可分为四个代表时期:一是初期,以专辑《Meet The Beatles》为代表;二是1965年的《Rubber Soul》代表他们严肃的实验期;三是代表神秘及迷幻期的《Sgt Peeper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band》;四是由《The White Album》(1968年)所揭示的百家齐放的成熟期以及后来的一张《白色专辑》和《The Beatles Anthology》。 六十年代的流行音乐与当时的社会一样,一切都刚刚开始.The Beatles的出现,带给青年人全新的音乐,到处都充满着活力,他们的音乐急速变化,迅速成长,在短短几年中征服了整个世界,人们称赞他们为“乐神”、为他们疯狂,哪有几个现代流行音乐人不曾受过 The Beatles的浸润?如果说美国的年轻人用摇滚乐去摆脱那种彷惶、迷惘以及空虚感,那么英国的年轻人则是用摇滚乐去冲破维多利亚时代所遗留至今的种种陈旧道德规范和传统的价值观念。他们最大的共同点是,在物质高度充足的享受中不甘汛灭自已的进取精神,在激烈的摇滚风暴中以反叛的形象来表达他们对传统理性的否定和想建立一个更加充满自由和人性的未来,The Beatles的出现是第一次以摇滚乐的名义成为这个时代最有象征意义的精神偶像,当时的乐坛也受到了巨大的冲击,The Beatles那一大批主题深刻、内容广泛的音乐能在精神上体现出摇滚乐的真正实质,在世界摇滚史上,他们及其灵魂人物 JOHN LENNON被公认为是真正的摇滚乐“教父”。 The Beatle那种“把明天遥远地抛在脑后.愿你多欢乐”的无忧无虑的情调,一扫当时充斥在英国舞台上的陈腐、伤感、古板和陈旧的气氛,从而几乎使英国年轻的一代狂热不已,The Beatles的倔起意味着美国流行音乐在英国的统治地位宣告结束。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 23:54

The Beatles is a fairly legendary band.This band formed in 1959, Liverpool is home household evening, the band formed by four.created a new musical style, inspired a lot of new ideas and concepts in the form of pop music with a rich connotation.To 1969, The Beatles announced the dissolution e to internal differences,issued dozens of literary and artistic works were created and more than 20 classic recordings of these works can be divided into four periods : representativeOne early to album, "Meet The Beatles> as representatives;Second, in 1965 the "Rubber Soul> represent a serious experiment;Phase three is representative of the mystery and magic "Sgt Peeper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band>;Fourth is "The White Album> (1968) reveals hundreds of maturity and later lit a" white album "and" The Beatles Anthology>.'60s Pop music with the community, everything has just begun.The Beatles the emergence of new music to young people everywhere are full of vitality,Their music rapid changes, rapid growth in a few short years to conquer the whole world.It praised them for "Le God" for them crazy,Some people have not been where modern pop music of The Beatles invasion? If the United States to shake off the young men used rock helpless someone.a sense of loss and emptiness.Britain's young rock is used to break through the Victorian era has left many old and traditional moral values.The most common is high enough to enjoy the material which does not want to flood the entrepreneurial spirit of its own destruction.Rock rebels in the fierce storm in the image of the traditional rational to express their wish to build a more negative and the future of freedom and humanity.The emergence of the Beatles rock in the name of the first to become the most symbolic significance in the spirit of this era idols,The music has been a huge blow, The Beatles that a large number of profound themes,a wide range of rock music can embody the spirit of the true essence of rock and roll history in the world.JOHN LENNON and their souls were considered to be the real rock "Godfather."The Beatle kind of "Tomorrow far apart in their minds. Wish you happiness, "the carefree moodacross the arena was full of stereotypes in the United Kingdom, sad, rigid and old-fashioned atmosphere.Britain thus almost fanatical when the younger generation.The Beatles pop music of Jueqi implies that the United States declared the end of the British rule status.
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