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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 20:47



热心网友 时间:2023-08-24 10:34

1. --- 今天晚上有什么活动吗? --- 没有.
What's for tonight? -- Nothing.

--- 为什么不一起去看电影呢? --- 好主意.
Why don't we go together for a movie? --- Good idea.

2. 在会上,你们可以自由发表意见.
Please feel free to air your opinions at the meeting.

3. 难道你不能改掉旧习惯吗? ( break away

Cannot you break away from your old habbits?

4. 这小孩听到那响声大吃一惊.
The child was greatly shocked hearing the sound.

5. 好天气只持续了几天.
Good weather only lasted for a few days.

6. 他并不比他的弟弟更幸福.
He is not at all happier than his brother.

7. 我要尽我所能按时完成这项工作.
I will try my best ( do my best) to complete this job in time.

8. 小孩很快会厌倦同一种活动。
Children are apt to (will soon) get tired of the same game (activity).

9. 制定计划通常比执行计划容易些。
Generally making a plan is easier than implementing it.

10. 你工作和学习都好吗?
How are your job and study going?

11. 不管我们是单独去还是一起去都无关紧

It doesn't matter if we go together or not (seperately).

12. 我建议应该立即派人去请一位医生来。
I suggest a doctor be called over at once.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-24 10:34

1. --- 今天晚上有什么活动吗? --- 没有.
Any activity tonight? -- No.

--- 为什么不一起去看电影呢? --- 好主意.
Why not go to the movie together? -- Good idea.

2. 在会上,你们可以自由发表意见.
You can voice your opinion freely at the meeeting.

3. 难道你不能改掉旧习惯吗? ( break away

Can't you break away from your old habit?

4. 这小孩听到那响声大吃一惊.
The child was greatly shocked at the sound.

5. 好天气只持续了几天.
The good weather only lasted a few days.

6. 他并不比他的弟弟更幸福.
He is no happier than his younger brother.

7. 我要尽我所能按时完成这项工作.
I'll try my best to finish the work in time.

8. 小孩很快会厌倦同一种活动。
Children are easily bored with the same activity.

9. 制定计划通常比执行计划容易些。
Making plans is usually easier than carrying them out.

10. 你工作和学习都好吗?
How about your work and study?

11. 不管我们是单独去还是一起去都无关紧

It doesn't matter whether we go separately/alone or together.

12. 我建议应该立即派人去请一位医生来。
I suggest we should send for a doctor at once.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-24 10:35


1 Do you have any activity tonight? ---No.

Why don't we go for a movie?, Good Idea.--- 为什么不一起去看电影呢? --- 好主意.

2. In the meeting, you can independently express your opiniion.在会上,你们可以自由发表意见.

3. Can't you break away from your old habits? 难道你不能改掉旧习惯吗? ( break away


4. This child is frightened by that loud voice.这小孩听到那响声大吃一惊.

5. The good weather will only last for a few days.好天气只持续了几天.
6. He isn't happier than his brother.他并不比他的弟弟更幸福.

7. I will do my best to finish this work on time.我要尽我所能按时完成这项工作.

8. Children will be tired of the same activities soon. 小孩很快会厌倦同一种活动。

9. To draw up a plan is usually easier than to implement. (a plan) 制定计划通常比执行计划容易些。

10. Have your work and study been good so far?你工作和学习都好吗?

11. It doesn't matter whether we go alone or go together. 不管我们是单独去还是一起去都无关紧


12. I suggest you to immediately inviting a doctor to come for checking.我建议应该立即派人去请一位医生来。

热心网友 时间:2023-08-24 10:35

1 Did you have any plany for night? Not yet.
Why aren't we goning to see a movie together tonight?
Sounds great.(That's a good idea!)

2 You can speak out your opinions freely at the meeting.

3 Could you break away from your old habit?

4 The child(kid) was surprised hearing the loud sound.

5 The good weather only lasted a few days.

6 He is not much more happy than his brother.

7 I'd do my best to finish the job in time.

8 Children are easy to tire of same activity.

9 Making a plan is easier than completing the plan.

10 How are you on your study or work?

11 It doesn't matter that we go together or sepreately.

12 I suggest that we should send a person to find a doctor.


热心网友 时间:2023-08-24 10:36

1. --- Tonight what activities it? --- No.

--- Why did not it go to the movies together? --- A good idea.

2. At the meeting, you are free to express their views.

3. Do not you give up the old habit of it? (Break away


4. The child heard the sound of surprise.

5. Good weather lasted only a few days.

6. He was not more than the well-being of his brother.

7. I would like to do my best to finish the job on time.

8. Child soon tired of the same type of activity.

9. Planning is usually easier than the implementation of the plan.

10. You have to learn and work, please?

11. Whether we go alone or together to have nothing to do with tight


12. My suggestion is to immediately send for a doctor to come.


What's for tonight? -- Nothing.--- 为什么不一起去看电影呢? --- 好主意.Why don't we go together for a movie? --- Good idea.2. 在会上,你们可以自由发表意见.Please feel free to air your opinions at the meeting.3. 难道你不能改掉旧习惯吗? ( break away from)Cannot you...


1一切都好吗?Is everything all right?2感冒了 cacth a sold 3身体好 be healthy 4感到很紧张 feel nervous 5做得还可以 do well 6学科学学得很艰难 study hard on science 7最糟糕的报告 the worst report 8令人失望的结果 dispointing result 9还可以做得更好 could do it better 10捎上...


1 出现一些焦虑症状。It seems to be some symptom like anxiety.2 考前制定好合适的复习计划 Make proper plans for reviewing before examination.3 考试期间正常休息。Take good rest during the examination term.4 睡前洗热水澡、喝牛奶等有助于睡眠。Have hot bath before going to bed. And ...


Finally he succeeded, and his parents were proud of his success.手工翻译,希望帮到你。


Director of First-aid Commanding Center 2.来北京访问期间做导游 work as a tour guide during a visit to Beijing 3.少儿英语培训学校 Children's English Training School 4.市场调查和广告宣传Market Research & Advertisement Publicity 5.培养了沟通能力和与人交往能力cultivate the ability to ...


(be going to)。[原文](Be going to).2、因为他们喜欢中国文化。[原文]2, because they love Chinese culture.(because)。[原文](Because).3、她想要交一些英国朋友。[原文]3, she wanted to make some English friends.(want)。[原文](Want).4、他打算周六早晨呆在床上(be going to...


1, told me the matter about Spring Festival 2, to celebrate Grandma's birthday 3, hold a party on the afternoon of May 1st 4. Knock on the door 5. To give them some chocolate as a hospitality 6, make fun of these children 7, play the game called "Big heart risk"8,...


misunderstood but a girlfriend breaking the appointment , has thrown away to prepare to give Hu Jin a fresh flower, he has come across Hu Jin in street angle afterwards , she has presented Valentine's Day gift to Li Fang , Li Fang has not known which way to look now....


First, the main use of parentheses �1, for unimportant, insignificant words.2, separated by descriptive, explanatory, and illustrative, for example, of words and phrases to make sentences more visible, and understandable.3. Indicate year of birth and death of people.4. ...


There is a wallet lying on the table.She fell into sleep while listening the radio.I would like to know if there are enough seats.Don't talk too loud while eating.

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