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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 01:41



热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 11:13


Life is full of ups and downs. 世事有成必有败,为人有兴必有衰。
Every flow must have its ebb. 有盛必有衰。
Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并非只有乐而已。
Live and let live. 随遇而安。
What goes up must come down. 有起必有落。
Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意日.
The sunlight may enter even a rat hole. 老鼠洞里都有阳光普照的一天.
The worse luck now the better another time. 现在时运差将来总有好运气.
Better luck next time! 且看他日时来运转.
The weariest dragon will mount to Heaven sooner or later. Wht then should not man stumble
upon good luck 困龙也有上天日男儿岂无得志时
Greed has no limits. 人心不足蛇吞象。
Much would have more. 多了,还想再多。
The more you have the more you want. 拥有越多,渴望越多。
Spare the rod and spoil the child. 不打不成器。
Love grows at the tip of a rod. 打在儿心,痛在娘心。
The rod breaks no bones. 不打不成器。
The kick of the dam hurts not the colt. 不打不成器。
Between a rock and a hard place. 进退两难。
He holdsa wolf by the ears. 拧狼耳,骑虎难下。
Between the devil and the deep blue sea. 置于死地而后生。
He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 骑虎难下。
Where there’s smoke there’s fire. 无风不起浪;事出必有因。
Every why has a therefore. 事出有由,其来有自。
There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪,无火不生烟。
Where there is wind n the clouds there are waves on the river. 天有风云,江有浪。
Strike while the iron is hot. 打铁趁热;把握良机。
Make hay while the sun shines.把握时机。
Remove the horns from the bull as soon as possible. 趁早锯下牛角;把握时机。
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日毕。
After the storm comes the calm. 否极泰来,雨过天晴。
After night comes the day. 黑夜过后就是黎明。
Every storm hath his calm. 暴风雨终有平静之时。
After a rainy winter a plentiful summer. 多雨的冬日,就有丰收的夏季。
After a flood there come an ebb. 洪水过后,就是退潮。
After a shower comes the sun. 骤雨停息,阳光就露出脸来。
The end justifies the means. 为达目的,不择手段。
A necessary lie is harmless. 必要的谎言无妨。
Do evil that good may come. 行恶以求善果。
All is fair in love and war. 情场如战场,不择手段。
Might is right. 强权即公理。
Thick-kinned. 厚脸皮。
Brazen-faced. 厚脸皮。
Self-praise is no recommendation. 自吹自擂并非推荐之道。
Don’t cry stinking fish. 不要喊鱼腥;卖瓜不说瓜苦;老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。
Make yourself all honey and the files will devour you. 招蜂引蝶。
Clothes make the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。
The tailor makes the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。

热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 11:14

初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reach
2.be fine=be well=be OK
3.be from=come from
4.be in=be at home
5.be full of=be filled with
6.be late for=come late for
7.be on a visit to= visit
8.be able to=can
9.be away=be out
10.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.
11.be pleased=be glad=be happy
12.buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb
13.be up=get up
14.catch up with=keep up with
15.catch a bus=take a bus
16.catch a cold=have a cold
17.come into=step into
18.come on=come along
19.come down=get down
20.do well in=be good at
21.do the shopping=go shopping
22.drop off=get off
23.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.
24.have a good time=enjoy oneself
25.fall down=fall off
26.get the telephone=answer the telephone
27.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.
28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.
29.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.
30.give a concert=have a concert
31.get on well with sb.=be good to
32.give…a call=give…a ring
33.go down=go along
34.go for a swim=go swimming
35.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.
36.go up=go along
37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep
38.have a look (at)=look at
39.have a swim=go swimming
40.have got=have
41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from
42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth
43.hold a meeting=have a meeting
44.hold on=wait a minute
45.hurry up=be quick
46.knock at=knock on
47.last from…to=be from…to
48.like doing sth=like to do sth
49.look out=be careful
50.love to do sth=like to do sth
51.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do
52.pay for=spend on
53.prefer…to=like better than
54.ring up=call sb
55.send for sb=ask sb to come
56.show sb sth=show sth to sb
57.take care of=look after
58.take exercise=do sport
59.take a message=leave a message
60.think about=think of
61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself
62.turn off=turn down
63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right
64.walk on=go on
65.walk to=go to …on foot
66.walk along=go along
67.at school=in the school
68.a lot of=lots of
69.a lot=very much
70.a quarter past two=two fifteen
71.at times=sometimes
72.at last=in the end=finally
73.a bit=a little=a few
74.a moment ago=just now
75.at once=right now
76.at noon=in the middle of a day
77.at that moment=at that time=just then
78.at the moment=at the same time
79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office
80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world
81.a moment later=later on
82.after a while=a moment later
83.all the same=all the time
84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible
85.in line=in a queue
86.in the southern part of=in the south of
87.in the day=in the daytime
88.much of China=many places of China
89.more than=over
90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more
91.not far from=near to
92.North China=the north of China
93.of course=certainly
94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of
95.two and a half years=two years and a half
1. arrive in/at=get to=reach
I arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.注意这里不能用arrive in
2. be fine=be well=be OK
I’m fine=I’m well.=I’m OK.
3. be from=come from
He is from China.=He comes from China.
4. be in=be at home
He is in.=He is at home.同理:be out= be not at home
5. be full of=be filled with
The bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.
6. be late for=come late for
I’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting.=I’m sorry, I come late for the meeting.
7. be on a visit to= visit
He is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China
8. be able to=can
He was able to ride a bike at the age of 5.=He could ride a bike when he was 5.
9. be away=be out=be not at home
10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.
He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.
11. be pleased=be glad=be happy
The coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy with their performance.
12. buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb
My mother bought me a book.=My mother bought a book to me.
13. be up=get up
Be up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.
14. catch up with=keep up with
I can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.
15. catch a bus=take a bus
Can I catch a bus?/Can I take a bus?
16. catch a cold=have a cold
Oh, no! You’ve caught a cold.=Oh, no! You’ve had a cold.
17. come into=step into
He came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom
18. come down=get down
Come down! That’s dangerous.=Get down! That’s dangerous.
19. do well in=be good at
He does well in swimming.=He is good at swimming.
20. do the shopping=go shopping
I’ll do the shopping.=I’ll go shopping.
21. drop off=get off

22. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.
I enjoy reading.=I like reading.
23. have a good time=enjoy oneself
We had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
24. fall down=fall off
I fell down.=I fell off the bike.
25. get the telephone=answer the telephone
I got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.
26. give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.
27. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.
28. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.
29. give a concert=have a concert
They gave a concert.=They had a concert.
30. get on well with sb.=be good to
I got on well with my neighbors=I’m good to my neighbors.
31. give…a call=give…a ring
I gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.
32. go down=go along
33. go for a swim=go swimming
34. go on doing sth.=go on with sth.
35. go up=go along
36. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep
37. have a look (at)=look at
38. have a swim=go swimming
39. have got=have
40. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from
41. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth
42. hold a meeting=have a meeting
43. hold on=wait a minute
44. hurry up=be quick
45. knock at=knock on
46. last from…to=be from…to
47. like doing sth=like to do sth
48. look out=be careful
49. love to do sth=like to do sth
50. make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do
51. pay for=spend on
52. prefer…to=like better than
53. ring up=call sb
54. send for sb=ask sb to come
55. show sb sth=show sth to sb
56. take care of=look after
57. take exercise=do sport
58. take a message=leave a message
59. think about=think of
60. teach oneself=learn all by oneself
61. turn off=turn down
62. turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right
63. walk on=go on
64. walk to=go to …on foot
65. walk along=go along
66. at school=in the school
67. a lot of=lots of
68. a lot=very much
69. a quarter past two=two fifteen
70. at times=sometimes
71. at last=in the end=finally
72. a bit=a little=a few
73. a moment ago=just now
74. at once=right now
75. at noon=in the middle of a day
76. at that moment=at that time=just then
77. at the moment=at the same time
78. at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office
79. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world
80. a moment later=later on
81. after a while=a moment later
82. all the same=all the time
83. as soon as possible=as quick as possible
84. in line=in a queue
85. in the southern part of=in the south of
86. in the day=in the daytime
87. much of China=many places of China
88. more than=over
89. no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more
90. not far from=near to
91. North China=the north of China
92. of course=certainly
93. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of
94. two and a half years=two years and a half


热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 11:14

2.what is he=what does he do?=what's he job?
3.what is...like=what does...look like?
4.what...do with=how...deal with?
5.what do you think of?=how do you like...?
6.what is the weather like...?=how do you like...?
7.what do...for?=why do...?
8.what's wrong with...=what is the matter with...?=what's up?=what hppened?=what's going on?
9.what's the time?=what time is it?
10.what is the price of ?=how much is ?
11.what do you mean by?=what is the meaning of?=what does...mean?
12.what's your favourite...?=what...do you like best?
13.what's the population of...?=how many people are there...?
14.what is the date?=what date is it?
15.what is your ambition?=what are you going to be in the futrue?
16.what else can they do?=what other things can they do?
17.what can I do for you?=can I help you?=can you give me a hand?
18.which is the way to ...?=how can I get to...?
(1)do sth,and you will do sth=if you do sth,you will do...
(2)do sth,or you will do sth=if you don't do sth,you will do...

what +an/a+adj+名词+主语+谓语!=how +adj./adv+主语+谓语!

(1)A do sth,not do sth=instead of doing sth
(2)A do sth,B do sth,too=both A and B do sth
(3)A don't do sth ,B don't do sth either=neither...nor
(4)A do sth,and do sth=not only...but also/both ...and
(5)A do sth,or do sth else =either...or(要么...要么)
(6)sth is not...,sth is not,either=neither of
(7)sth is...,sth is...,too.=both of...
(8)A don't do sth,B ang C don't so sth-none of...
(9)A sees B,and B is doing sth=A see B doing sth
(10)all do sth,but sb doesn't do sth=all do sth except sb
(11)do sth,though A is...=though/but
(12)do sth,so=so/because

(1)too...to/.../enough to do=so that
(2)without...=if there is no...
(3find it+adj+to so sth=find that it is+adj+to do sth
(4)hope to do sth=hope that
(5)in order to...=in order that/so that
(6)一般过去时=it's time+since+一般过去时
(7)seem to do sth=it seems that...
(8)at the age of=...when sb was...years old
(9)it takes sb+time+to do sth=sb+spend +time+on sth/(in)doing sth(表花费时间)
(10)sth cost+sb+momey=sb+pay money +for sth=sb spend+money+on sth/(in)doing sth



热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 11:15


1. look forward to doing 期望做某事

2. He is in prison=He is in the bars

3. Don’t stop him doing what he wants= Let him stop doing what he wants

4. The river is 100m deep/wide=The depth/width of the river is 100m

5. the weight/height/length of the desk is…=the desk is …heavy/high/long

6. He went to HK, He didn’t go to Beijing= He went to HK instead of going to Beijing

7. The book cost me 10 yuan=I paid 10 yuan for the book=I spent 10 yuan on the book=I bought the book for 10 yuan

8. It took sb 5 hours to do sth=sb spent 5 hours in doing sth

9. How much do you weigh= How heavy are you?=what is your weight?

10. I came to /left shenzhen 8years ago=I have been in/away from shenzhen for 8 years

11. I bought /borrowed the book 8 weeks ago= I have had/kept the book for 8 weeks

12. The meeting started 30 minutes ago= the meeting has been on for 30 minutes

13. the old man died 10 years ago=the old man has been dead for 10 years

14. as a result=because of that

15. be suitable for=be right for

16. He prepared for the meeting=He got ready for the meeting=He has got prepared for the meeting

17. I decided to do sth= I made up my mind to do sth

18. applied for=asked for

19. look throught= read quickly

20. How do you like =what do you think of

21. is made up of=consists of

22. He used to smoke= He usually smoked before

23. as well as=and

24. Don’t forget=Remember

25. failed=didn’t pass

26. You will fail to catch the first bus= You won’t catch/will miss the first bus

27. what happen to you? =what’s the matter with you?

28. is full of=is filled with

29. Tom is the most careful boy in his class=Tom is more careful than any other boy in his class

30. I don’t know= I have no idea

31. I don’t know where I will go= I don’t know where to go

32. My baby doesn’t cry unless she’s hungry=My baby doesn’t cry if she isn’t hungry

33. I don't’ know what to do= I don't’ know what I will do

34. what’s the weight of that ship?=how heavy is the ship?

35. The war broke out=The war happened/took place

36. succeed in doing sth

37. admit/deny doing sth

38. It’s important/essential/vital for sb to do sth

39. How often/ How soon

40. heard from=got/recieved a letter from

41. for the time being= for the moment
1. heard from=got/recieved a letter from

2. for the time being= for the moment

3. belong to= have=own

4. be unaware of= don’t know

5. NO:10双语报

6. Tom has the same weight/ age/height/ as Jack= Tom is as heavy/ old/high as Jack

7. Tom is too young to go to school= Tom is so young that he doesn’t go to school

8. I heard you sing a song = You were heard to sing a song

9. He didn't go to school because he was ill/ hurt his leg= He didn’t go to school because of illness/ hurting leg

10. be made from/of/ in

11. instead/ of

12. They are able to finish the work on time=…can..

13. it’s very kind of you to help me=To help me is very kind of you

14. It is too hard for them to climb the mountain=it is so hard that they can’t climb the mountain= to climb the mountain is very hard for them

15. to get to school on time is necessary for us= it’s necessary for us to get to school on time

16. I am busy doing/with something.

17. He has the same height as his brother=He is as tall as his brother

18. The boy is as heavy as his father=The boy has the same weight as his father

19. what do we use the knife a lot for?=why do we use the knife a lot?

20. what do you think of the food here?=How do you like the food here?

21. without water, the fish dies= The fish dies if there is no water

22. which would you prefer?=which would you like better?

23. Jill prefers swimming to skating= Jill like swimming better than skating

24. The dog is different from that that one=The dog is not the same as that one

25. I use pen to write letter=I write letter with pen

26. if there were no water, humans would die=Humans would die without water

27. How do you like the environment here?=what do you think of the environment?

28. we will use cloth bags instead of plastic bags=we will use cloth bags, and we won’t use plasic bags

29. I have no idea where I will go= I don’t know where to go

30. You look like your father= You are like your father

31. Actually=in fact

32. He is always forgets things=He always forgetful

33. The pen is useful, so I plan to buy one= I plan to buy the pen because it’s useful

34. The box is too heavy for me to carry=the is so heavy that I can’t carry it

35. Mary often helps her brother study maths=…with…

36. Mr Li left Japan three years ago=Mr Li has been away for three years ago


1. heard from=got/recieved a letter from

2. for the time being= for the moment

3. belong to= have=own

4. be unaware of= don’t know

5. NO:10双语报

6. Tom has the same weight/ age/height/ as Jack= Tom is as heavy/ old/high as Jack

7. Tom is too young to go to school= Tom is so young that he doesn’t go to school

8. I heard you sing a song = You were heard to sing a song

9. He didn't go to school because he was ill/ hurt his leg= He didn’t go to school because of illness/ hurting leg

10. be made from/of/ in

11. instead/ of

12. They are able to finish the work on time=…can..

13. it’s very kind of you to help me=To help me is very kind of you

14. It is too hard for them to climb the mountain=it is so hard that they can’t climb the mountain= to climb the mountain is very hard for them

15. to get to school on time is necessary for us= it’s necessary for us to get to school on time

16. I am busy doing/with something.

17. He has the same height as his brother=He is as tall as his brother

18. The boy is as heavy as his father=The boy has the same weight as his father

19. what do we use the knife a lot for?=why do we use the knife a lot?

20. what do you think of the food here?=How do you like the food here?

21. without water, the fish dies= The fish dies if there is no water

22. which would you prefer?=which would you like better?

23. Jill prefers swimming to skating= Jill like swimming better than skating

24. The dog is different from that that one=The dog is not the same as that one

25. I use pen to write letter=I write letter with pen

26. if there were no water, humans would die=Humans would die without water

27. How do you like the environment here?=what do you think of the environment?

28. we will use cloth bags instead of plastic bags=we will use cloth bags, and we won’t use plasic bags

29. I have no idea where I will go= I don’t know where to go

30. You look like your father= You are like your father

31. Actually=in fact

32. He is always forgets things=He always forgetful

33. The pen is useful, so I plan to buy one= I plan to buy the pen because it’s useful

34. The box is too heavy for me to carry=the is so heavy that I can’t carry it

35. Mary often helps her brother study maths=…with…

36. Mr Li left Japan three years ago=Mr Li has been away for three years ago

1. heard from=got/recieved a letter from

2. for the time being= for the moment

3. belong to= have=own

4. be unaware of= don’t know

5. NO:10双语报

6. Tom has the same weight/ age/height/ as Jack= Tom is as heavy/ old/high as Jack

7. Tom is too young to go to school= Tom is so young that he doesn’t go to school

8. I heard you sing a song = You were heard to sing a song

9. He didn't go to school because he was ill/ hurt his leg= He didn’t go to school because of illness/ hurting leg

10. be made from/of/ in

11. instead/ of

12. They are able to finish the work on time=…can..

13. it’s very kind of you to help me=To help me is very kind of you

14. It is too hard for them to climb the mountain=it is so hard that they can’t climb the mountain= to climb the mountain is very hard for them

15. to get to school on time is necessary for us= it’s necessary for us to get to school on time

16. I am busy doing/with something.

17. He has the same height as his brother=He is as tall as his brother

18. The boy is as heavy as his father=The boy has the same weight as his father

19. what do we use the knife a lot for?=why do we use the knife a lot?

20. what do you think of the food here?=How do you like the food here?

21. without water, the fish dies= The fish dies if there is no water

22. which would you prefer?=which would you like better?

23. Jill prefers swimming to skating= Jill like swimming better than skating

24. The dog is different from that that one=The dog is not the same as that one

25. I use pen to write letter=I write letter with pen

26. if there were no water, humans would die=Humans would die without water

27. How do you like the environment here?=what do you think of the environment?

28. we will use cloth bags instead of plastic bags=we will use cloth bags, and we won’t use plasic bags

29. I have no idea where I will go= I don’t know where to go

30. You look like your father= You are like your father

31. Actually=in fact

32. He is always forgets things=He always forgetful

33. The pen is useful, so I plan to buy one= I plan to buy the pen because it’s useful

34. The box is too heavy for me to carry=the is so heavy that I can’t carry it

35. Mary often helps her brother study maths=…with…

36. Mr Li left Japan three years ago=Mr Li has been away for three years ago

1. why not…=why don’t you…

2. be full of=be filled with

3. make a promise=promise to do 2

4. what do you think of…= How do you like…

5.How do you deal with= what do you do with

1. if …not= unless

2. without your help=> unless you help me

3. it’s necessary to do sth= to do sth is necessary

4. you forget what you will do=you forget what to do..

5. …be surprised at the news= be surprised to hear the news

6. ….so that we remember the words= in order to remember the words

7. No living thing can live if there is no air =No living thing can live without air

8. I will phone you if I finish my work =I won’t phone you unless I finish my work

1. happened=took place=broke out

2. …no longer= not..any longer

3. ….is the most popular=…is more popular than any other….

Life is full of ups and downs. 世事有成必有败,为人有兴必有衰。[同义谚语]Every flow must have its ebb. 有盛必有衰。Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并非只有乐而已。Live and let live. 随遇而安。What goes up must come down. 有起必有落。Every dog has his day. ...


1. 正确理解题意,从短文中找到相关的词、短语或句子,根据特定的语境来判断理解,推敲斟酌和最后确定其准确含义。2. 根据上下文猜测词义的技巧:(1)注意定义和解释;(2)同义词或近义词的提示;(3)近义词和反义词的提示;(4)利用悬念的属种关系;(5)借助已有知识或生活常识。(三)推理判断题 通过字里...


1. but 的用法 主要用于表示转折,意为“但是” 。如:It was a sunny but not very warm day. 那一天天气晴朗,却不太暖和。He drives not carefully but slowly. 他开车不是很小心,而是开得很慢。注意:不要按汉语意思将“虽然……但是……”直译为 although…but…。如:虽然我们很贫穷,...








初中英语解释句子(俚语的解释) 麻烦大家帮我找有关于俚语的初中英语解释句子如:Itrainscatsanddogs=itrainsheavily;等等,总之像上面这样有用到英语俚语的解释句子都帮我找找,多多益善。(急!)谢谢诸位的帮助!... 麻烦大家帮我找有关于俚语的初中英语解释句子如: It rains cats and dogs=it rains heavily;等等,...


2、使用英语成语和习语 人们在长期使用语言的过程中,积累了大量的习惯表达法。这些成语、习语内涵丰富,语言生动活泼。文章中适当地使用这类短语,可避免语言的单调贫乏,使句子生动而富于内涵。如: (l)gee has lost his social position since his business failed. 可改为:gee has e down in the world sinc...


2009年元月,北京市教委在对09年中考的说明中,首次官方地将英语习语作为中考英语考核内容之一。为此,莱曼英语为广大学员收集整理了一些常用的英语习语,其中包括一部分谚语,歇后语,成语以及网络用语,仅供大家在学习中予以参考。1. Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。2. There ...


经典句子就搜索一些关于饮食的格言 置于给一个主题这个,由于是具体情况具体解答,只要想办法把它的内容往学过的东西上套用就行了。拿高分的话建议多背些词组,如问你怎么学英语时可以用上put one's heart into sth. 5. 中考英语写作有什么技巧 我认为吧,本质上而将,英语写作和语文写作是一样的。你只要通过自己...

林校路街道2011年代码及城乡分类 兴丰街道辖区单位 准备在家里装个电脑,办个公玩游戏都可以的,预算五六千,求推荐 洋葱是减性还是酸性 洋葱是酸性还是碱性 洋葱是酸性还是碱性食物 洋葱属于酸性还是碱性 梦见我妈妈跟她表弟结婚了 本人高中英语老师,一本英语专业,四六级,专四专八。教龄六年。对高考... ...大家认为可行吗?昆明有这样的学校吗?学习高中英语的。 淘宝评价视频审核需多长时间? 请教高中英语问题,求达人解答! 求大学英语综合教程三(上海外语教育出版社的)的课文翻译及课后习题答案~ 怎样区分定语从句,表语从句,状语从句,宾语从句 引导名词性从句What和Which都能用吗?有什么区别? 状语从句与定语从句的区别 英语中的主语谓语等与语文中的主语谓语等有什么区别么 主语谓语宾语什么意思? 怎样区分条件状语从句和时间状语从句 温柔 英文五月天 三星S5能用小米的那个1more金澈耳机吗,线控能用吗,原装耳机坏了,想换一个 加一联创(1more)金澈耳机,小米耳机团队设计,适合苹果六用吗 求问,1more金澈耳机怎么样 空调遥控关了以后空调上面显示一个雪花图案还有小风是什么原因? 海尔的空调遥控器这雪花是表示啥意思。。? 空调摇控器上面有像雪花,雨点太阳等标志是什么意思啊,我没有说明书,请知道的人帮我解释一下,谢了! cad中zoom命令和scale有什么不同? qq默认图片册在哪里 货代公司代缴进口关税 工业水处理领域新技术? 目前有哪些水处理新技术啊? 钢铁行业的反倾销外文文献的作者和题目是什么? 帮忙翻译一下把中文翻译成英语 英语成语(高中常用) 求英语高手翻译光良的《天堂》 找一个好一点的理由辞职 qq头像女生带字女人抽烟怎么了 货币基金什么? 手机运营商的号码多少 联通运营商号码是多少 联通的运营商号码是多少 16227989898是什么运营商的号码? 水平方防溺水公益宣讲是怎么回事? 为什么我的h3c无线ap搜着的连接速度只有12Mbps 防溺水工作是属于教育还是安全生产 谁有airserver序列号,mac版本的。谢谢! 谁有airserver 激活码 减速被减数与和是什么意思 急求新二练习册41课A、B部分答案 谁知道在广州番禺哪里有电工培训机构? 番禺南村在那里可以学叉车和考铲车证