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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 22:49



热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 17:17

这个是电影becomes jane的一个人物 Jane Austen的介绍和描述 你可以截取一部分 但是还是都用上好 比较连贯
Jane is engaged to a wealthy gentleman Wisley, who she don’t love. Her feelings in her essaies. She stands there, reading her essaies. Eyes on her, people around the room is smiling. The scene is so warm and impressive. Talented as she is, she is very attractive. Tom is listening, and then falls asleep.

The two falls in love with each other, in spite of their great differences.

However, Jane’s family don’t agree their marriage, for Tom is not a wealthy gentleman that they want. Now they are facing choice. For love, Jane rejected the marriage with Wisley, and went to Tom’s home to get his uncle’s areement towards their marriage, but failed.They decide to run away, to follow their own dreams and their own happiness. But this time, Jane gives up. She knows that Tom’s family do need him and his incomes. She leaves, without a word.

Which moved me the most is their love, and Jane’s golden heart, and the choices she made.

She chose to be Jane.

We are facing choices alltime, and we must make decisions.

Chose to live a life without regrets.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 17:17

Chow plays a man who lives in a partly demolished house. He takes in a homeless boy (who is actually played by a girl, Xu Jiao). Whether the semi-demolished house and the homeless boy are on Earth, or on the alien planet is not clear. As Chow's character can't afford to buy a toy for the child, he finds a makeshift toy in the garbage and brings it back to his "son". The "toy" is actually a powerful alien device and the aliens are desperate to get it back.[4] Some rumours state that it is a "pet" rather than a "toy".[5]

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 17:18

editor 编剧
director 导演

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 17:18

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