发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 12:25
热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:13
大约在45亿年前,一些气体、尘埃、冰粒等物质聚集在一起,逐渐形成了地球的雏形,这个雏形只有一千米的大小,与茫茫宇宙相比,非常小。但就是这个“小地球”不停地旋转,吸收聚集着周围的其他物质,经过上千万年的积累,逐渐形成了现在地球的大小。但是当时的地球和现在的地球完全不一样。热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:14
科学家认为,地球是由气体和尘埃发展而来的——围绕新生恒星旋转的气体和尘埃在重力作用下挤压到一起形成一个炽热的球体,历经数百万年后,这个炽热的球体逐渐冷却,开始出现岩石地壳。地球周围的大气是由有毒气体(包括甲烷、氢、氨等)转化形成的,这些有毒气体由地球表面的火山喷发而来。热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:14
太阳系在大约50亿年前诞生后,大约过了5亿年,地球开始形成。地球是由原始的太阳星云分馏、坍缩、凝聚而形成的。热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:15
大约46亿年前,由于太阳周围的稀疏质点的相互碰撞,并逐渐向太阳赤道面集中,形成了围绕太阳转的各个行星,其中一颗行星就是地球。热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:15
Earth is the only planet known to exist in the universe. With sunrise and sunset, we humans live and multiply on this vital planet. So how did the Earth, which raised us human beings, come into being? Throughout the ages, many people have asked questions and given some answers. With the continuous progress of human society, the causes of the earth from the initial "God" graally closer to science. Many different views have been put forward about the formation of the earth. The modern school believed that the earth was formed in the outer space of the solar system and was captured by the sun as it moved near the sun and became a planet orbiting the sun. Others insist on the results of the Big Bang Theory. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe was formed about 20 billion years ago by the sudden explosion of a relatively small but very large mass of material. In the 19th century, the theory of Earth formation was accepted, a view put forward by the scientist Calvin. He believes that the Earth is formed by the cooling of molten matter. He thinks so, partly because the Earth's temperature is in flux, and partly because it seems to provide evidence that volcanoes spew hot lava out of the house. However, there was ample evidence at the beginning of the 20th century that the Earth had probably never been completely melted. So there's a theory that Earth and the rest of the solar system are formed by the accumulation of st and gas in space. This is probably the result of gravity. This attraction attracts all objects to each other. The discussion and speculation about the origin of the earth can be said to be divided. However, there is so far no answer that we can all be convinced of. Therefore, people need to continue to explore the question of how to raise their own Mother Earth.