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九年级英语作文 教室里的规则 急!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 18:03



热心网友 时间:2024-02-26 03:18

As middle school student, we must spare no effort in my study.Meanwhile,we have to obey the rules of school, not only to be well-behaved,but also to enjoy our school life.
To begin with,our classroom is a publice place where everyone have to study and it is another home to us.Just be quiet while others are reading or doing their homework.Besides, we must take an active part in the class and interact with teachers actively to make our class more interesting and lively.In addition, plesae do not throw rubbish anywhere in our classroom because this is our student's another home and we have to protect the environment of our classroom.
Above all,we have to comply with rules of the classroom so that to create a harmonius atmosphere to work hard with others.Only by this way, can we better our study.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-26 03:19

classroom rules.
school is a place of many rules, and all of them students has to obey. and the main ones, are in the classroom. we have so many rules, such as people can't eat in the class room, we can't run in the class room, we can't have phones in the class room, we can't listen to music in the class room, and many many more. even though sometimes the rules can be annoying, but i find them reasonable. when there are many people in the classroom, if everyone listens to music, the room is going to be full with frustrating noises, and if everyone eats in the class room, the classroom would look like a garbage bin very soon. that's why i finds classroom's rule important.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-26 03:19

school is a place of many rules, and all of them students has to obey. and the main ones, are in the classroom. we have so many rules, such as people can't eat in the class room, we can't run in the class room, we can't have phones in the class room, we can't listen to music in the class room, and many many more. even though sometimes the rules can be annoying, but i find them reasonable. when there are many people in the classroom, if everyone listens to music, the room is going to be full with frustrating noises, and if everyone eats in the class room, the classroom would look like a garbage bin very soon. that's why i finds classroom's rule important.
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