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英语大神们麻烦翻译一下! 求高手

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 13:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 21:16

There are some people on the beach.
The weather is great/very good today.
今天没有下雨: It didn't rain today
没有下雨:It didn't rain.
Some men and women are sitting on the beach.
他们正在吃冰激凌:They are (currently) eating ice cream.
他们正在喝茶: They are (currently) drinking tea.
A man is watching the children play on the beach beside the sea.
What is the dog doing?
They are sleeping under a big umbrella(雨伞)/parasol(阳伞).


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 21:16

There are lots of people on the beach
The weather is nice today
It doesn't rain
Some men and women are sitting on the beach
Some of them are eating ice cream and some are drinking tea
A man is watching the children who are playing on the beach
What's the dog doing?
It is sleeping under a gamp

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 21:17

There are some people on the beach.
What a nice day!
It's not rain.
There are some people sitting on the beach.
Some of them are eating ice cream and the others are drinking.
A man is looking at the children, they are playing on the beach.
What about the dog?
It is sleeping under the umbrella.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 21:17

There are some people on the beach.
It's a fine day today.
It isn't raining.
Some men and women are sitting on the beach.
They are enjoying ice cream or having some tea.
A few men are watching the children who are playing on the beach.
What's the dog doing?
It's sleeping under a big umbrella.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 21:18

There are lots of people on the beach
The weather is nice today
It doesn't rain
Some men and women are sitting on the beach
Some of them are eating ice cream or some are drinking tea
A man is watching the children who are playing on the beach
What's the
It is sleeping under a big umbrella
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