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英语作文Drunken driving

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 20:07



热心网友 时间:2024-02-27 14:13

Drunken driving
Nowadays more and more people are awaring of a phenomenon.There are a lot of drivers driving after drinking a lot.
The bad influence of drunken driving is very large .It is not only take a lot of money, but also take away people’s life. For example, In the August 4. 2009, a girl named Ma fangfang was knocked down by a drunken driver in Zheng Zhou.Also, a man named Zhang Xijun knocked down 26 people and made 2 men died in Jixi Heilongjiang the day later. What a sad thing it is! How can we let those things happen again!
So as a college student what can we do to prevent those things happen again? Firstly, I think we should persuade the people around us like our family not to drunken driving.Scondly,we should be careful when walking on road.If we find something wrong with a car, we should call the police. Last but not least, we should propagate the bad influence of drunken driving. In this way ,I think we can rece the accident caused by drunken driving and save a lot people!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-27 14:13

With the improvement of people's life level,more and more people are able to afford their own cars.However,traffic accidents frequently come out,most of which are cause by the drunken driving.

Without doubt,drunken driving is quite dangerous.According to the statistics,thirty percent of the traffic accidents are e to the drunken driving,what's more,fifty-nine percent of the dead drivers have something to do with the drunken driving.Therefore,these shocking data tells people that drunken driving is the origin of the traffic accidents,which is not only harmful to the victims,but also to the drivers themselves.Therefore,drivers should not be too fond of drinking,while the ones too fond of drinking should never be the drivers.

As university students,we should try our best to avoid drunken driving,especiall for the car owners,first of all.In addition,we should make our efforts to publicize the people around us never do the drunken driving.

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